Monday, January 15, 2007


Ok having just read a friend's first marathon race report on Runner's World I am inspired to start writing down this experience of running and life in general. My goals are not as huge as a marathon at this point, a 10k will suffice for now :)

I started running in Sept. 04 but consistancy has been an issue for me. It seems though if I have a race in my sight, I am much better at getting out on the roads to actually run. This being January of a new year, it is the perfect time for new goals and new challenges.

My husband is deployed with the Army right now and I am here at home with 3 boys that present several challenges along with joys. I do believe that a regular running schedule will help me with many of the stresses that occur pretty regularly these days.

I have a schedule on my calendar for the 10k training. Basically running 4 days per week going 1/2 further every week till I am up to 8 miles by May. Having sciatica forces me to build slowly as to not aggravate it.

I am also a student majoring in Communicative Disorders. I love school! Good thing too since I have so much of it left!

Anyhoo, that is about it for now.

See ya on the flip side,


Jenn said...

Just saying Hi :) Military life is a blast sometimes, isn't it? Army wives have it pretty rough. When I say to myself, "It could always be worse," I think about Army & Marine wives...LOL

Unknown said...

Awesome, Robin!!! I love it!!! I'm adding the link to my blog and I'll be reading every post.

RunninRobin said...

Thank you so much guys for reading! Wow this is kinda fun :)