Friday, July 20, 2007


This is a picture of my friend and hero. Wow this is really hard. My friend, actually one of my best friends was killed Sunday in Iraq. I try to live life with some semblence of normalcy but can't help but feel so sad and cry all the time. His wake is tomorrow and his funeral is on Sunday. He was such a fun, goofy guy and did not deserve this at all. There are so many things that are so wrong about this that go above and beyond the fact that we lost him. He has to have a closed casket because his body is too destroyed, God that kills me. He was to be promoted to Sgt. upon returning from his mission and he will never know it. He was just married before he left and his wife is completely destroyed. She has a 16 year old son who finally got the Dad he deserved when they married. This woman has already lost a fiance a while back, her dad and brother also died young. It is so damn unfair.

I am terrified that Jake is in Afganistan right now. I want to do something to keep him safe and yet we tried all of it with Eric, and lost him anyway. I know I am rambling, I just am so sad, scared, crushed and the tears do not seem to run out. I loved Eric and now I will never see his goofy smirk again.

Oh and I ran 6.14 miles today for him, a LSD PR for me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

my Grandmother

I went to see my grandmother today. 93 years old and I tell you she looked great! She fell and broke her ankle and so has to be in assisted living for a bit until she can walk on her own again. She showed me her leg and I noticed how smooth her skin still is; her hair is still soft gray and her face, although showing the signs of age, still has a glow. I feel so blessed to come from a long line of women who are strong physically and mentally.

Each of my children hugged her goodbye and she spoke softly to them in their ear. I did not ask them what she said; I will let them keep that for themselves.

I brought her an ice cream sundae and she ate every drop. LOL none of the women in my family have ever been able to turn down ice cream.

I went on a 4 mile run tonight and I ran the whole thing w/o stopping. I ran it for my sister who can't for she is no longer with us; I ran it in honor of my grandmother whom I admire immensely for being who she is so late in life. It was a great run and I feel very much alive tonight

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A social run...

Tonight I ran 4 miles with a friend from the beginners Runner's World forums. I was a bit worried about this run because yesterday I worked my legs pretty hard at the gym. The start was tough but then we both seemed to get in a groove and comfortable pace and we cruised the 4 miles, chatting, laughing. We even sprinted to the finish :) It was awesome!

My legs are a bit sore but I truly feel like improvement is right around the corner for me! It feels good to be making runner friends.

Life is good and I am thankful.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Going to the next level...

Well I have finally joined a training group. We meet mon, wed and sat for 3 months with the goal of completing a 5k or 10k at the end. I am hoping to make some new friends and running partners! I am really excited about this and I think it will be very good for me!

It starts July 9th, I'll let you know how it goes!