Friday, July 24, 2009

yuck yuck yuck

Tonight's run was pretty terrible. I never got into a groove.

I did see some pretty cool birds.. they almost looked like peacocks without the big tail... maybe peahens??

Anyhoo, the main goal now is consistency. I have a training plan and I am trying to follow it religiously. I know that the more I run, the better and easier it will get.

My first little goal is the Dana Point Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

1st run back

Well after being inspired by the RunnersWorld forums and some other friends I finally got out tonight for a run. It was a route straight to the bay and back by pretty houses, about 2 miles. It was HARD! I had to walk part of it but it felt very good to be out there again.

I feel some of my sciatica creeping in again which worries me but I stretched really well so hopefully it will be fine.

I am considering a training group again as there is one in Huntington Beach with is pretty close to me but I get pretty intimidated so we will see.

In any case, it was great to be out there again!

its been awhile...

Hello my friends... I don't know if anyone will even read this anymore because it has been so long since I have posted!

It is summer for me now and I have finished my Bachelor's degree. I am starting grad school in the fall and this summer I am trying to reclaim my health to be ready for the challenges ahead. I have lost 15 lbs. and have 15 more to go.

I have not run in forever and am considering starting up again because I remember how good it felt!!

I will let you know how it goes :)

See ya on the flip side!