Sunday, August 5, 2007

the road...

I am so happy! I finally found the scene in "What Women Want" that started the wheels turning in my head to begin running. Something about this scene struck a chord in me and I wanted to be the woman featured, her breath, her strength, her shoes pounding the pavement, no judgement, no pretences, just her and the road. I am not quite her yet and dont know if I ever will be or even should be, but I am becoming the runner I am supposed to be.... and the road loves me too.

Here it is:

For some reason html is unavailable so just copy and paste into browser, trust me the extra work will be worth it!


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin! It's Samantha (simonssez) from Runners World. That's awesome that this is your inspiration! I'd totally forgotten about this scene but I love that movie. Who cares if you never "become her"'re doing great things. I love reading your posts and your smile is infectious. Keep up the hard work!
Sam (

Ian said...

I've always liked that scene from the movie, even as a guy.

Tampa Zephyr said...


And, yeah, it'll get cooler, but it's still humid until November/December... I run tomorrow after my first day back with students. I'll probably need to run just to work off first-day stress. :)