Monday, September 3, 2007

Rancho Santa Margarita

Hi all!

Well I did it

Here are the details. Woke up to a messed up stomach and unsure whether it was nervousness or the fajitas I had last night Anyway I will spare you the details but I was in the restroom alot!! On one of my lovely restroom stops at a gas station I made a wrong turn and went about 5 miles out of the way and had to find my way back lol.

I finally met up with the girls I was running with and we made our way to the start. There was just a little red line to identify the start.

Mile 1 was an uphill grade for about the whole mile, what a way to warm up! My legs felt terrible but my stomach was ok thank God. I did not hear the guy call the time on the first mile.

Mile 2 - We turned a corner and there was a blessed downhill grade and shade!!! I put on Eminem and rocked out. This was the mile that felt the best. The guy called out 30.25 at 2 miles. I was a bit disappointed cause I really wanted to to get under 45 min.

Mile 3 I was just plugging along, trying to keep positive, getting tired but hanging in there.
At the finish I entered the wrong chute and had to jump over 2 ropes to get in the right place. Then I was behind a guy with a stroller and 3 girls that kept dropping their water bottles! I am not sure what time they got but I had 48 min for 3.29 miles according to my garmin.

Not the under 45 I wanted but this race was a success for 2 reasons:

1) I was not freaked out about racing this morning at all. Normally I have bad dreams and can barely breathe for the nervousness of it all.

2) I did not let one negative thought enter my head. I stayed focused and for the first time I ran the whole thing w/o stopping.

So I consider it a definite success. I feel like my mind is finally in the place to let my body improve and that is a very good thing.

As I was running into the finish some of the girls were screaming my name, cheering me in. That was awesome!


pika said...

Yeah for you for doing it and being close to your goal time. Next time you might want to stick with a nice pasta dinner instead of fajitas though. ;)

Congrats again.

Tampa Zephyr said...

Congratulations! Any finish is a good finish :)

Laurie said...

Congratulations!!! Sorry about the stomach 'issues'. Those are NEVER fun!

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree Robin...those are great reasons that made it a success! You're becoming stronger and stronger Robin!